
03 November 2015

A couple more. Pet portrait, Ink drawing

So, finally knocked out a couple more pieces that have been marinating in my brain.

 This pet portrait was challenging to say the least. I talked a bit about the process in a previous post but the final drawing really made me want to toss it in the trash.

After checking in with the client, I'm glad I didn't.
I think the issue was not only cumulative stress but that in my head I thought I was going to do this one in the style of my previous composite.

This turned out to be nearly impossible, at least for me, though not as an executable style, I just haven't mastered breaking down fur into believable shapes yet.
So I worked this in pencil like I would a painting, with many colors that don't really register to the eye unless you're looking for them.

The second is a development from the Sandhill Crane I just completed.
I stippled nearly the whole thing before adding several layers of light ink wash to finish it off. 

The goal for this piece as with the crane was movement. Of course the photo kind of mutes that effect but you should get the idea when you read, I hope. 

I think I'll re-shoot to get rid of the reflected light areas which dampen the black on the right third. 

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