
25 August 2015

Yeah, so I'm making all this stuff while working full time at an entirely unrelated job that makes me miserable...

...Join the club right?

I really just like to build things and crack sarcastic jokes but it'll probably take awhile to get there.

Everybody is in a shit hole right now, globally. I think a massive return to cottage industry is probably the only way individuals can pull themselves out from under the colossal steaming pile the idiot politicians and bureaucrats put us in.

1. decide what your ideal life would be. easier than it sounds but the most important step.

2. make small steps every day. Everybody know this everybody gives the same thing. Make thousands of them until making a small effort becomes habitual.

3. Keep going...

4. Keep going. If you hit a goal. Keep freaking going. No matter how bad it hurts or how bad you want to rest on whatever laurels you've gained, keep going.

Cheers for now.

Check out my other pages
New Work...

I'm working on a line of bird houses and/or  "fairy houses"

Here's the first prototype.
I think this project has got some long legs...

The nest step is to systematize the work, like an assembly line. That's pretty easy for this kind of busy work, not so much for illustration where total concentration is key.

24 August 2015

SO, the finished t-shirt is here. available for sale or licensing.

 It turned out okay. The logo is TM, maybe the bear too.
I can see both turning into a series of shirts.

17 August 2015

So, a t-shirt I've started. It's going to be the first in a series that I hope to start selling.

Tentatively titled Bear Hug a Bureaucrat.

Once again using line only as structure. Like I did for Dire Badger. I'm working to evolve this into a coherent style akin to the old Tony Hawk logos from the '80s.

13 August 2015

 Don't forget to check out the other pages on this site. I update things frequently as I work in each category. 

Coming Soon: Fiction. 

Working on a couple rewrites then I'll start posting pieces of stories and books I've got my teeth into.

So another color work piece from the notebook.
Everybody loves their doggies, so do I.

and the original. 'Sokay.  As I see it here I noticed a few things to fix. Derrrr...
That's what happens when you work angry... or too fast...

I tend to get a little wider than an original. I keep forgetting to get the paper up off the desk.

When you work on a piece flat on the table and you are not directly above you tend to get a skewed perspective.
Another possibility is that when I dropped the line work I took from the photo into Illustrator, I may not have made absolutely sure the ratio remained unchanged when I printed.

 Looking at this on the web I also noticed some small improvements I could make.
Changing the viewing medium makes a difference in how perceive your work.

11 August 2015

A selection of works in progress...
 Here I'm working on line structure on a swallow and amaryllis.
 This was a concept piece from photos I took of a koi pond. Brush and ink gives us "Koizilla"
More on political structures. The socks will be labelled with various activist groups and other government/political entities.
After I get the basic shapes worked out I'll take the line drawing to Photoshop and work it like the toons on my caricature page.
I think Ill resize the squid/wheelbarrow combo to much larger than the figure. I'll also make the puppet master hand bigger and more ominous. You know, ominous like a Monty Python animation...

Anyone have thoughts on Adobe's new pricing structure?
Works well for us poor folks.

So what are we doing people?

It seems like societal tension is pushing those who were living near the edge of control right over the cliff.

I would love take the easy route and blame politics but really politics has structure inherently based on human nature. We all have wants and needs. We all have visceral reactions about things we see in the world that are born from a lifetime of our individual experiences.

Politics can't account for the infinite combinations of events and circumstances that shape the bulk of a person's life. We also have structures like governments and institutions that were born from the contemporaneous needs of a time. Those structures evolve over time but the one constant is the human factor. Our basic animal desires for food, shelter, protection, procreation still govern no matter the events of time.
The structures we create to serve all those needs inevitably take on a life of their own and become like macro organisms in which we humans are like the bacteria that live in and around our own bodies.

I have idea. All of us want to "fix" what's broken but we seem to always just create more self sustaining bureaucratic structures.
New "fixes" for old problems. The fixes have fixes and so do the fixes until the constellation of fixes becomes unmanageable and nobody working to maintain those structures has any idea why they are doing what they are doing. To try to remedy that is risk the wrath of others in the structure with more power who incidentally are doing the exact same thing, just maintaining the structure of fixes the best they can.

One can invoke religion or education or whatever else but the fact always remains that we still, despite all our mastery over this world, behave as simple organisms and that is what sinks our high minded endeavors more often than not.

Blame homeostasis or resistance but we still ignore all of our collective millennia of wisdom on how to control and overcome our animal natures. We do it over and over. Like animals that refuse to learn.